"The Wedding Doc"

by Dr. Mary Ann Markey

Dr. Mary Ann Markey is not only one of the principals in GEM Conferences, LLC, she is also a commissioned notary in the State of Florida which permits her to officially perform wedding ceremonies anywhere within Florida’s boundaries. Her “Wedding Doc” moniker arose for two reasons: first, because she (Dr. Markey) officiates at weddings, and second, because she is an expert in conflict and crisis management which allows her to consult, organize and host special events and conferences that run smoothly and without drama [contrary to those Bridezilla reality television programs]. Since approximately one-half of all wedding ceremonies occur during the summer months, NOW is the time to schedule Dr. Markey for your wedding ceremony, renewal of wedding vows, etc. 

Here are the basic requirements to make this happen:

  • The couple must obtain their license to marry prior to the wedding ceremony from their Florida County Clerk’s Office, Florida Circuit Court, or Florida Court of Judge. The duly commissioned notary public’s job is to solemnize the couple’s vows and the details of the marriage ceremony.
  • The couple’s wedding ceremony must take place within the State of Florida.
  • The notary public’s portion of the certificate will be completed, and the record returned to the county in which it was issued within 10 days of the date of the wedding ceremony.

GEM Conferences is very finely attuned to their client’s expectations, so ever special event is custom-tailored to meet or preferably exceed what they have envisioned including religious, non-religious, formal, informal, traditional, non-traditional, cultural implications for the service, etc. Visit the contact page on the website at https://drmaryannmarkey.com to schedule a consultation to discuss the fine details of your wedding, such as date/time venue, ceremony, wedding speech or wording, the wedding vows, etc.

"The Wedding Doc"

Photo of Dr. Mary Ann Markey
Dr. Mary Ann Markey

Contact Me

  • gemconferencesllc@gmail.com
  • 954-821-9385