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Gun Violence In American Society: Crime, Justice, and Public Policy provides an in-depth, multidisciplinary investigation into one of society’s major social, public health and political concerns—death, injury, and destruction from the use of firearms. Contributors employ a variety of theoretical, methodological, and data analysis frameworks to address different gun violence issues. They explore how gun violence is created and perpetuated in society, as well as the various forms and social contexts in which it appears. The impacts of gun violence on different social groups, communities, and social institutions are also delineated. Moreover, possible solutions to gun violence are presented.
This manual is designed to serve as a guide for individuals who are concerned with conflict management generated by the dynamics of diversity within groups, businesses, and organizations. It is constructed to support organizational training initiatives and academic venues by introducing such topics as virtual learning environments (VLEs). The manual includes innovative conflict management strategies, such as online dispute resolution (ODR) that are specific to diversity related issues as well as interactive exercises created to maximize the learning process through the bidirectional dissemination of information between facilitator and learner. The kinesthetic aspect of these exercises advances the learning process by immersing the participants within the experience of interactive and gaming scenarios whereby they are able to explore the cognitive and physical aspects of diversity and conflict management. The concepts and approaches contained herein can be tailored to suit the conflict management and training needs of groups, organizations, and businesses as they continue to develop and prosper.
This mixed methods research examines the phenomenon of filicide, which is defined as the murder of children by their parents, from a conflict resolution perspective. Previous research has investigated filicide across a variety of contexts including legal, social, and cultural but not from the viewpoint of managing and resolving intra-family conflict. The goals of this research are to provide additional insight and practical applications for professionals who come into contact with those families at high risk for incidents of filicide by expanding the traditional definition of family to include genetic and non-genetic parents; by expanding the classification of motives for filicide to include both instrumental and expressive motivations according to the type of parent; and by examining the gender differences existing in the degree of planning during the commission of the filicide.
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