GEM Hynosis250


Remote Hypnosis & Telehypnosis

Dr. Mary Ann Markey
May, 2020

Telemedicine is becoming more widely accepted and accessible due to the COVID-19 pandemic, so can the popularity of Tele-hypnosis or online hypnosis lag far behind? The option of online hypnosis has been available to clients for a while now; however, adherence to recent social distancing and lock-down dictates have severely limited or entirely eliminated individuals’ abilities to avail themselves of the stress relief, behavioral modification, mitigation of anxiety, etc. that is provided by hypnosis sessions. 


The following is just a short list of the benefits of tele-hypnosis for clients:

  • Greater confidentiality by not having to go to a hypnotist’s office in person
  • Greater convenience by not having to travel to a particular geographical location
  • Time savings by not having to travel to or wait for an appointment
  • Greater accessibility to a hypnotist in the event none exists in the client’s vicinity
  • Greater client self-disclosure due to the client being in a different location than the hypnotist
  • Weather is no longer an issue – neither rain, nor snow, nor sleet will interfere with a hypnosis session
  • Client inability to travel becomes a non-issue due to disability, lack of transportation, etc.
  • Severely introverted or shy clients are no longer censored by being in the hypnotist’s presence

Hypnotists also benefit from holding online sessions:

  • Professional or commercial office space is not necessary
  • Clients can be served globally since the hypnotist is no longer location-bound
  • Sessions can be scheduled more frequently since variables, such as distance, traffic, time, and related expenses are eliminated

Conducting online hypnosis sessions can be readily accomplished by utilizing modern computers, laptops, tablets and smart phones combined with video conferencing software, such as Zoom which provides a secure connection and is very easy to use.

Conducting online hypnosis session or tele-hypnosis requires a small amount of preparation and planning prior to beginning the client interview which always precedes a session to identify the client’s goals and expectations for the session as well as to address any concerns that the client may have regarding the process of hypnosis itself. Here are some considerations for the client:

  • Client’s location can be at home or in an office but having a checklist outlining what steps to take to mitigate interruptions of the sessions, what type of chair, room lighting, etc. which are all designed to meet the client’s comfort and security
  • Client’s safety and health issues can be handled by providing a telephone number for a local contact should a health concern arise or the client becomes so relaxed as to fall asleep during a session
  • Environmental issues can also be handled with that local contact’s telephone number in the event of a non-medical issue, such as a power outage
  • Administrative issues,, such as filling out paperwork or forms to complete  a client’s file can be emailed to the client, and then executed and returned via email by the client
  • Payments can also be conveniently submitted online or over the telephone by credit card, PayPal, Square which significantly can reduce the amount of time spent by the hypnotist which is better spent by working with clients

Successful online hypnosis sessions have become everyday occurrences which provide clients with excellent results which meet and/or exceed the clients’ goals and expectations. All of the hypnosis techniques that are vital to a session, such as the induction, deepening patter, testing the depth of the client’s hypnosis, etc. are equally as effective online as they are in person.

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